Corroded Coolant Jackets
High Speed Technologies, Inc. can repair damaged air bearing spindles that are used in dicing and back grinding. A common cause of failure on these spindles is coolant leakage through the motor coolant jacket.
Because most dicing spindles are rather compact the motors require water cooling. Often dicing facilities use the same DI water to cool the motors that they use in their cutting process. DI water is very aggressive toward certain metals and can actually dissolve them.
Eventually the water jacket will begin to leak coolant into the spindle. When this happens imminent spindle failure is on hand. Once a leak is propagated the spindle can fail in several ways usually with a radial crash. If the leak remains the water can propagate into the electronics or motor windings and cause extensive damage

Water can leak through partially dissolved coolant jackets. DI water can dissolve metal jackets.
Dicing and back grinding spindles use air bearings. To keep the shaft spinning with high precision, both radial and axial (thrust) bearings are required. The axial bearing holds the spinning shaft in the axial direction and resists thrust forces that act along the axis of rotation. HST can repair damaged axial bearings to like new.
Most of the damage we see on axial bearings is the result of contamination in the air supply or internal coolant leakage. But axial bearing damage can also result from contamination migrating past the front labyrinth seal.
Axial bearings typically are located toward the front of the spindle. They are referred to as the front thrust bearing, rear thrust bearing and the shaft thrust flange.
When a part such as the water jacket shown above is too far gone, HST can manufacture a new one.
When we receive a dicing, back grinding or other air bearing spindle we go over every inch of the spindle. All parts will be meticulously cleaned. Bad parts are replaced with new. Your spindle comes back with OEM performance and a full guaranty

A new water jacket when the original one is beyond repair.